Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Summer Con Ilocos - The Return

OK, so we've returned last Saturday. Around 140 of us. We arrived at 5:30AM. It was really earlier. I only had 30 minutes of sleep the whole night. Worst of all, I didn't sleep much the other night as well. BUT, it was still enjoyable,  I was able to catch up with old friends and meet new friends as well. Anyway, I hope I can get the pictures soon, so that I can post them all here. So how was your Holy Week vacation?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fort Ilocandia Resort Here We Come

So pack your bags, and be ready to meet tomorrow 8:00PM at GCC for our trip to Ilocos. Anyway, don't forget to bring your Bible, personal water for the bus, medication (especially for motion sickness), a little bit of cash, shades, sweater/jacket (it could be cold if you get the chance to ride the hot air balloon),  toiletries (tooth paste and brush, etc.) [The hotel will probably provide most of it, but it wont hurt if your bag has some space], camera if you have one, plastic bags to put your dirty laundry, clothing, socks, undees, slippers, junk food, games to play on the bus... Well, you all know what you need. 

Just be at Grace by 8:00PM tomorrow (April  7). If possible, take a little nap in the afternoon. I know it's hard to sleep on the bus. So it might help to get your sleep in advance. God bless. See you all.