Sunday, October 12, 2008

40th Anniversary

For all you folks that have been out of touch lately, Grace will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary starting this October. The events will start off during last week of October until the end of the year. Some of the events will be annual events, while some will be totally new.

So far, I've confirmed the schedule of two events....

Oct 24 (Friday), at around 8pm, we will have a Musical Concert by the Children's Choir and the Anniversary Choir. It'll probably be a joint fellowship in the sanctuary. More details later on....

Oct 25 (Saturday), most probably (again only probably), there would be NO Saturday evening service.

Oct 26 (Sunday), 
7:30AM - baptismal service. Let us try to wake up early and congratulate all our new members.
9:30AM - joint worship service. Try to get there a little earlier, since it will be really packed. hehe...
12 noon - anniversary lunch  at City Best Seafood Restaurant along Tomas Morato. It would include different programs, so expect to be entertained. It's a once in a few years lunch where we could remember God's love and faithfulness to our church. Tickets cost p400 per individual. You may avail of it by just walking into the church office, ticket booths outside the sanctuary during Sundays, and from church staffs and fellowship officers. If your 40 years old, I bet you've already set aside P10 each year, so p400 is no biggie.

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