Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolution

With the new year just a few hours away. I guess many are already finishing up their New Year's Resolution list. However, I still want to suggest some of the things that you may add. Thank you also for those who contributed to adding to this list.
  1. Fast for two days once every month or two.
  2. Read your Bible, at least one chapter a day.
  3. Finish reading a book, a Christian book.
  4. Make a journal, it will help us count our blessings.
  5. Have a weekly exercise, like jogging, basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc.
  6. Lose 10lbs [for the overweight] / gain 10lbs [for the underweight] by the end of 2009.
  7. Commit to attend one fellowship, not being absent more than 10 times.
  8. Eat vegetables or fruits atleast twice a week.
  9. Have a friendly conversation with a church attendee/member each month whom you haven't interacted with before.
  10. Set aside tithes before Sunday, so God gets the best, not the rest of what's left
  11. Carry a Gospel track in your pocket/wallet. Give it away at the first opportunity.
  12. Bring one person to church by the end of 2009.
  13. Share the Gospel to one person by the end of 2009.
  14. Learn to drive.
  15. Learn to cook something edible.
  16. Stash some biscuits in your car. If a beggar asks for money, give biscuits instead. God loves a cheerful giver.
  17. Attend a Bible Study group. [If you don't know how to find one, ask the church office or ask me.]
  18. Go to the sanctuary 5 minutes before worship service starts. Pray while you are waiting.
  19. Pray together with your family at least once a week.
  20. Take up a new hobby that can help in your ministry, such as photography, flash making, etc.
  21. Learn a new language.
Well, I'm all out of ideas. Maybe you guys can suggest some more. Happy New Year.

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