Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday Basketball Fellowship

If any of you have noticed in the Sunday bulletin, there is a portion that lists all the Bible Study groups. One of them is listed on "Monday Men's Group - 7:30pm GCHS GYM". It's about time they change that, because
1) the Gym already burnt down, and 
2) the group has moved to PACE Academy.

So what does this group do? Obviously, basketball!!! But it isn't an ordinary basketball group. Before every game, there would be a short prayer and devotion. 

The group aims to reach out to both Christians and non-Christians through the use of basketball. And why use basketball? Because guys love to play basketball. It is an opportunity to get to know one another through basketball. Encouraging and helping each other become better Christians. And possibly evangelizing new comers who have never heard of Christ.

If you are interested to join or help out, please subscribe to our yahoogroups for details.
FYI, this group has been around for more than two years. It used to be held at Bellevue, then GCHS gym, and now at Pace. God Bless!!!

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