Saturday, February 14, 2009

2009 DVBS - Son Rock

GCC's 2009 Daily Vacation Bible School will be entitled Son Rock. The theme concentrates on how our kids can build their lives upon Jesus Christ, the ROCK. It will be held on April 21 to 27. Like each year, there will be something special planned for the kids. There would be a limit of 90 slots for kids going to Kinder 2 to Grade 6/HS. There would be exceptions for 3 years old and below, but only for a limited 20. For p700 each, this is a bargain. So register now, until April 11, while slots last. 

You may register at the church office, or inquire at the DVBS booth every Sunday (there should be one soon). You can also call 3641415 / 3641977 for more inquiries. You may also visit Gospel Light's official Son Rock website for more details on the materials and lessons.

Let us help our kids be wise by building their lives on Jesus. Just like the song... 
The Wise man builds his house upon the Rock!!!

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