Sunday, August 24, 2008

Door to Door Ticket Giving

It was an exciting night for most of us. Some were nervous, some were terrified and overwhelmed with the idea of knocking on peoples door. It was a Friday night with clear weather and moderate temperature. Thank God..

In any case, we were able to finish the night safely. . This too was an answered prayer. Although disappointments also arise... many of the residents were either out or already as sleep. Maybe we went out too late, around 8:45 PM. Was it too late? We won't know until this coming Friday (August 29). Rememeber, it is not our power to lead people to watch; it is all in God's power. God bless.

For those who want tickets. Just call 3641415 / 3641977. Don't worry, it's free. So invite as many non-Christians who can understand Chinese.

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