Saturday, August 1, 2009

Grace Christian Church ORTIGAS Coming SOON

I may have mentioned in a previous post that Grace Christian Church will be building a branch in the Ortigas area. So the church to physically have an office there may not be so soon, but it doesn't mean we can't have a service there. So coming this September 6 (Sunday) at 6 in the evening, we have our first service in Crowne Plaze Hotel - Ortigas (Sapphire room). Well, you can just get the details from the poster above. I hope to see a lot of new faces there. This is our opportunity to invite our friends who don't usually attend church, as we talk about a new series of our home in Glory --- "HEAVEN".

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Levi Fellowship

So today was the start of the Levi Fellowship. So what is that? It's a fellowship for fulltimer's. Fulltimer's are those who are considering to serve God in a capacity of a pastor, missionary, Bible teacher, or counsellor. You get what I mean... The goal here is ...
  1. to educate the members in understanding more of their desire to serve God and to give guidance in confirming if they are called or not;
  2. to train each member more deeply in spiritual doctrines and evangelism;
  3. to give an understanding or exposure of a minister's life.
It an open invitation for everyone, whether you have the desire or not, you are still invited. You can just go there to learn.

Fellowship starts every 4th Sunday of the month, I repeat, Fourth Sunday @ 12 noon to 2:30PM. Please try to confirm earlier on the week if you will be attending, because lunch is provided. Just call 3641415 tell them that and leave your name.

(By the way, it is named Levi, in honor of the priestly tribe in Israel called Levi. You could say, that they were very tight with God in the Old Testament. The picture above shows how four Levites were carrying the Ark of the Covenant of God. As for the Ark, it's another topic of discussion.)

A New Goal

Our dear pastor, Rev. Stephen Tan made some interesting announcements last week. One was to continue our building fund and to raise five million pesos (P5 M). I can't quite remember clearly what it will used for, but I believe it is for the GMTC (Grace Ministry Training Center), since it has become old quite early.

Second announcement is the goal for an extension branch. No, not a student center or anything; but another church branch. Aiming at our church members and lost brothers who live a little farther. Our church is aiming to build another Grace Christian Church in the Ortigas area. Of course, this would a little further from now, and probably not on 2010; but we could all start praying now. Yes, it is a new goal, a difficult goal; but nothing is difficult to our God.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Supersize Me: Maximizing My Relationship with God

On May 13 the youth of Grace Christian Church boarded on a bus at 6AM and took the long drive to the Graceland Estates and Country Club in Tayabas, Quezon. Over four days the group consisting of high school and college students learned about how to be potent, instead of potentials.
The students learned that the maximized life looks from God's perspective, leads to true success, is when Christ is seen in our lives, comes with great responsibilities, brings blessings to others, and is a life of integrity. And over the course of their stay they learned about how they should search for friends who are wise and not fools, as Proverbs 27:17 states, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

But the summer camp was all about sitting in un-airconditioned halls. The students had the afternoons off to do whatever the estate had to offer, including boating/fishing, swimming, horse back riding, etc. On the second day, the group even overcame the rain and took a boat to cove with clean sands and a small cave to explore. And despite the rains, everyone arrived back at the camp site safely.
Two students accepted Jesus into their lives as their Lord and Savior. Over ninety committed to living a maximized life, and other even committed to serving God full time. At our last meeting, we were told to be flames for God, to have a burning passion for His cause and to be a light unto the world. On May 16, the students were ushered home with "FLAME ON!"

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Little Encouragement

In times like this that we hear a lot of Chrisitans or former Christian leaders that fail in their testimony, abandon their faith, or live a life of sin. It might be that some of them were never saved to begin with.. but still, there are times that we need to be reminded that God is POWERFUL. And He uses the MOST unlikely individual to spread His love. Just like Shelly Lubben. I hope you all enjoy watching this... 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What Kind of Animal Is Your Personality?

So last Friday, Young Pro Fellowship's activity was a personality test. It is a simple personality test written by Gary Smalley and John Trent. Before I explain it, click THIS to open the test, click File Menu of the opened Spread Sheet and click Export -> XLS to download the who thing and take the test. hehe...



Are you done???

Now let's begin.

There are four personality types or animals in this test: Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, and Beaver. In the same order are the columns in the exam. 

A simple explanation is:
Lions are Leaders
Otters are the Friendlies
Golden Retrievers are the Caring ones
Beavers are the Diligent Ones

Each character has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. But don't get me wrong, you don't necessarily have all of the mentioned strength or weakness. The psych evaluation only gives you an idea of where your tendencies are. One can also be in multiple categories. If you're a lion then an otter. It just means you are a leader first, before you are a motivator. It's just a matter of letting one see what is a person's biggest potential and possible areas of improvement. Remember, having those weaknesses don't give you an excuse to stay weak in those areas. Knowing your weakness makes you more responsible in taking the initiative to improve on them. While knowing your strengths shows which areas in ministry and work you can shine in. Maximize your God given strengths. Comprende?!?! It can also be helpful in understanding other individuals. Why they are like that, and on what areas you can help them improve.

Strength Weakness
Lion visionary cold

practical domineering

productive unemotional

Strong-willed Self-sufficient

independent unforgiving

decisive sarcastic

leader cruel

Strength Weakness
Otter outgoing undisciplined

responsive unproductive

warm exaggerates

friendly egocentric

talkative unstable



Strength Weakness
Golden Retriever Calm selfish

Easy-Going stingy

dependable procrastinator

quiet unmotivated

objective indecisive

diplomatic fearful

humorous worrier

Strength Weakness
Beaver analytical moody

Self-disciplined Self-centered

industrious touchy

organized negative

aesthetic unsociable

sacrificing critical


So what kind of animal are you?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Family Summer Conference 09 - Ilocos Pix

So today, they released the compiled pictures of the Ilocos Summer Conference. It's not perfect, and the test shots were not filtered out. I tried to fix some of them; I hope I didn't turn a good shot into a bad one.heheh.. Also, if you're wondering why some pictures appear all over the place, it just means that multiple photographers took that same picture. You can also wonder why some photographers take multiple pictures of just one person. :D Anyway here are some of the pictures that I've uploaded, enjoy!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Summer Con Ilocos - The Return

OK, so we've returned last Saturday. Around 140 of us. We arrived at 5:30AM. It was really earlier. I only had 30 minutes of sleep the whole night. Worst of all, I didn't sleep much the other night as well. BUT, it was still enjoyable,  I was able to catch up with old friends and meet new friends as well. Anyway, I hope I can get the pictures soon, so that I can post them all here. So how was your Holy Week vacation?