This entry is targeted for Believers, feel free to read.
Last Friday, January 9 at Grace Christian Church, Ptr. Jeanette Yu was invited to speak about the theme "What Can I Do For You Lord?" She talked about reaching out to non-Christians and spreading the Gospel to them. It was time for soul harvesting! She challenged everyone to spread the Gospel in our own families. It's a small step that can have a big impact! We love our families right? So we ought to share to them the truth! For those who fear rejection, Ptr. Jeanette said that being ridiculed is but a small sacrifice. What if the person dies and you know that he has not accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior? Then it's a big burden that you'll have to carry. There will be a lot of "What IFs" on your part and maybe regrets. After all, it is not us who will convince them to accept Christ; it is the Holy Spirit's work. We are just instruments of God who will convey the message for Him. So before we do, we must pray to God for wisdom and strength to be able to say the right words.
I, for one, have a big fear of rejection and fear of not being able to answer their questions. I feel inadequate and fear that I don't have the right amount of wisdom to share the Gospel. SO what needs to be done? Then study God's word. Read the Bible everyday and meditate on it. Memorize the verses. In that way, we'll be able to prepare ourselves. If we love God, we'll give time to Him. We love spending a lot of time with people we love, so why not spend time with God Who created us?
There was this article in A Beka book Bible Doctrines For Today that I have read. It has a great impact on me and convicted me that in ancient times, people were on fire for God. They spread the Gospel even if it meant risking their lives. Nowadays, people are free to spread the Gospel in most places, but still we don't share the Gospel because we fear rejection. What an irony that people were more passionate in sharing the Gospel when their lives are in danger that people who can freely evangelize but chooses not to because of fear of ridicule or rejection. Think about the souls you can save and the joy of the angels and God Himself when one soul accepts Christ. One can have a lot of impact. That "one" can change a lot of lives and influence a lot of people. In the parable, The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin, people were looking for that lost sheep/coin even if they have 99 of them already. Just like in the souls of the people, even if 99 were saved already, God will rejoice for that 1 mere soul who was lost and is now found!
So I encourage you to pray to God to give you strength, wisdom and courage to reach out to people. One person can make a difference and that's you! Go out and make disciples of all nations! Let us fulfill the Great Commission.
Here's the outline of Ptr. Jeannette Yu's Building Bridges to Reach the Non-Christians:
A. See people from God's perspective
- they are lost without Christ and will end up in hell.
- overcome your fear of rejection or ridicule.
B. Pray that God will open their minds and hearts with the gospel
* attend social functions
* greet during birthday and special occassions
* text inspirational quotes once a week
* listen and encourage them when they have problems
* comfort them if their loved one died
* invite them to the fellowship
* treat them out
* share your testimony to them
* live an exemplary Christian life
- pray and read God's Word everyday
- strive to live a happy life
- memorize verses
* don't attack their religion outright
* chair illustration
* appreciate good things about their religion
* talk about common points of their faith and Christianity
* discuss but do not debate differences
* don't force or make them guilty
* don't get discouraged or be makulit if the person rejects the gospel
* keep praying with him/her
* emotional vampires
* keep in mind that God has accepted us in spite of our weaknesses
* ask God to grant us unconditional love for the unlovable
* look beyond mere appearances
* focus on their positive traits
* avoid racial discrimination and generalization
* befriend them
* take time out to spend with them
* appreciate the good things about their culture
* learn their language
* don't ostracize or make fun of them
* understand why one becomes homosexual
-abusive/absentee father
-domineering mom
-influenced by media and friends
-for fame or money
-molested/raped by the same sex
-cheated by a boyfriend
* treat them with respect
* accept them for who they are although they know I don't condone homosexuality
* use biology to convince them that no one is born homosexual
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