For a few months now, Young Professionals' Fellowship has been using the theme.... "Stepping Out Of Our Comfort Zones". We had different speakers with in the year, such as Ptr Doris Limand Ptr Kathryn Ann Tan that shared their personal testimonies for them to step out of their comfort zones.
Last October 17, we introduced Pastor James Chiu (with the glasses) -- a second year BSOP student. He graduated from Naga Hope Christian High School and Ateneo Naga University. He is currently having his OJT at Grace and will be staying 'til the end of this month (January). So all you guys, be nice to him, so that he'll come back after he graduates. By the way, he is also the so-called long lost twin brother of our very own JP. See? The similarities are uncanny!!!
Even their names both start with J and are both new testament authors (John and James).
Anyway, getting back to the topic. James didn't share his testimony... His message was more of a spiritual awakening. I guess the title should "What is Our True Comfort Zone" or "What should be our Comfort Zone".
First of all, you'll probably say "huh?? Ain't we been learning on how to step out of it? And now we are looking for its true form!?!?". Before we answer these questions.. Let us define Comfort Zone:
1) Wikipedia defines it as "the set of environments and behaviors with which one is comfortable, without creating a sense of RISK."
2) it is something we are used to in our lives.
According to James, Comfort Zones or CZs change over time.....
Things change quickly, especially technology. Some of us may have been used to the Ipod Shuffle that evolved into the Nano then Video then IPhone. We were so used to desktops, now laptops and even PDAs. Cellphones weren't even common back then. Now, it's so rare to find anyone who doesn't have a phone.
Another example is the cycle of our lives. We spend four years in high school, then another four to six years in college, and now work... and so on... We grow older, we experience more stuff. During that graduation in high school, we were all so teary eyed, because we were so afraid to leave. And again, we got teary-eyed after four years in our college graduation. Those were comfort zones... we were so used to them, that we have no fear. We have a sense of relaxation and comfort.
Moving on.. we as Christians have become a new creation (2 Cor 5 :17). The central part of our lives changes. Every other part of our lives change too. Our habits, character, out look in life, goals...and yes, our comfort zones. According to Romans 12:1-2, be renewed!
Our lives are filled with comforts.... our sofa, car, house we live in, social life style, status, names, family, friends, identity, physical features, fashion style.. all these are false comforts. They are not our real comfort zone. The moment we became a Christian, our comfort zone changes.. It changes to God -- fellowship with God. That is our true comfort zone. We are pilgrims or aliens living in this temporary world. We should not be comfortable here... Our comfort zones are in heaven and eternity.
This world we live in will never accept us... They will persecute, laugh, mock, hate, insult, and do a lot of things just to hurt us. We tend to pretend we are comfortable.. but are we truly comfortable? Are we sharing the Gospel? How many of your friends know of your faith? How many of them have been informed of the Gospel? Let us step into God's realm. Let us do what He is leading us to do. It takes FAITH. Even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. It took faith to accept Jesus Christ, so I'm sure we all have even the slightest amount of faith.
Take Joseph from the book of Genesis. His life consisted of a lot of ups and downs.. He was loved by Dad, then sold as a slave... became the head of Potiphar's household, yet put in prison for a crime he didn't commit... became the governor of Egypt and so on.. Each time he was comfortable, God removed him from his comfort zone. In the end, God's purpose for him and Israel was fulfilled.
But the best example is Jesus Christ... He was comfortable in Heaven, living beside God the Father and the Holy Spirit. He left His genuine comfort zone just to be a normal human, who have been mocked , spit, insulted, tortured upon and many more. He experienced the wrath of God the Father so that we could all experience salvation. He didn't feel comfortable doing it, of course...but He did it for love.
As closing.. here is a question and a challenge for each of us....
What is earthly life compared to eternity?
It is our response to step out as a show of gratitude to what Christ's example has done.
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