Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year of the Breakthrough

How was your 2008?

Every year that ends sets forth an opportunity for us to evaluate how we spent the year that has passed. What goals set in 2008 were we able to accomplish? What went wrong? What did we do right? and what changes should we do to become better the next year? - these are but some of the questions answered during these "year-end life-evaluation" days.

For some, the year end might lead to gratitude to God for the wonderful things and blessings received. While for others, it might be a deep sigh of "finally, the bad year has come to an end... business is bad, spiritual status is bad, health is bad, financial status is bad, family is bad, even love life is bad! and to make the bad year even worst, sin is doing good, and Satan is having a good year through me!!! you wish it wouldn't continue to 2009.. and you wish 2009 will be a "year of the breakthroughs".

Well, what is a breakthrough?
A breakthrough is a "barging-through" to whatever obstacles are in front of you, a demolition of the barriers hindering you to where you would like to be or what you would like to become. You break-through it to destroy the barriers and let your life loose from all the entanglements that limit you. We can compare it to a "charging foul" if you are a ball player. (but you won't be called for a violation) hehe...

What is it that you need a breakthrough for?
  • A sin breakthrough? You wanna live a victorious life for God, not sin all the time?
  • A forgiveness breakthrough? You can't forgive someone who has offended you?
  • A financial breakthrough? A physical health breakthrough? (maybe you are sick always)
  • A breakthrough in your love life??? Whoa! (you can't see God's will for you?...)
  • A bad habit breakthrough? Whoa! It can be anything in your life! You need a breakthrough this 2009?

May Satan not hold you down as a prisoner of your past and your failures. May he not be able to hinder you as you pursue God's plan and purpose for you life. May God give you have a breakthrough this 2009! Pray for it!

Look at what the bible says:

"Thanks be to God Who gives us victory in Christ!" 
- 1 Cor. 15:56 -

"In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" 
 John 16:33 -

"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith!. Who is he that overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" 
- 1 John 5:3-5 -

"In all these things, We are more than conquerors through Christ Who loved us! 
- Rom. 8:37 -

Only Christ can give us breakthroughs!

May 2009 be full of breakthroughs for each one of us whether it be financially, spiritually,
and any other areas of your life! God bless us!

New Years Resolution

With the new year just a few hours away. I guess many are already finishing up their New Year's Resolution list. However, I still want to suggest some of the things that you may add. Thank you also for those who contributed to adding to this list.
  1. Fast for two days once every month or two.
  2. Read your Bible, at least one chapter a day.
  3. Finish reading a book, a Christian book.
  4. Make a journal, it will help us count our blessings.
  5. Have a weekly exercise, like jogging, basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc.
  6. Lose 10lbs [for the overweight] / gain 10lbs [for the underweight] by the end of 2009.
  7. Commit to attend one fellowship, not being absent more than 10 times.
  8. Eat vegetables or fruits atleast twice a week.
  9. Have a friendly conversation with a church attendee/member each month whom you haven't interacted with before.
  10. Set aside tithes before Sunday, so God gets the best, not the rest of what's left
  11. Carry a Gospel track in your pocket/wallet. Give it away at the first opportunity.
  12. Bring one person to church by the end of 2009.
  13. Share the Gospel to one person by the end of 2009.
  14. Learn to drive.
  15. Learn to cook something edible.
  16. Stash some biscuits in your car. If a beggar asks for money, give biscuits instead. God loves a cheerful giver.
  17. Attend a Bible Study group. [If you don't know how to find one, ask the church office or ask me.]
  18. Go to the sanctuary 5 minutes before worship service starts. Pray while you are waiting.
  19. Pray together with your family at least once a week.
  20. Take up a new hobby that can help in your ministry, such as photography, flash making, etc.
  21. Learn a new language.
Well, I'm all out of ideas. Maybe you guys can suggest some more. Happy New Year.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Goodbye 2008, Welcome 2009

As we wrap up 2008, let us remember some of the things that happened. Well, I'm writing down the things that I can remember so far. At least these are the more significant things.

[In no particular order]
  1. Our GCHS gym burned down
  2. Grace Christian College started
  3. Our economy was hit by the oil crisis
  4. Massacre at Talayan Village
  5. Joshua De Leon was hit by a serious tumor
  6. Our church joined a basketball tournament (PCIBL)
  7. Sister Sharon Chio joined our pastoral staff
  8. We had a mini fair, Fun for Fund
  9. We had a youth summer conference in Baguio
  10. DVBS (Daily Vacation Bible School)
  11. We celebrated our 40th Anniversary (Anniversary Concert and Lunch)
  12. Annual Christmas Party
  13. Inauguration of our Fellowship Hall and Activity Center
  14. Renovation of our church sanctuary
  15. Out of one fellowship came Zion and Young Pro Fellowships
  16. Chancel Repertory performed the play "Call Waiting" in our church
  17. The biggest batch of Baptismal candidates
  18. Junior Church Bible Camp
  19. Christmas Shoebox project
If you count all the things I've listed down... there are more good than bad. I honestly couldn't remember anymore of the bad events. Lots of bad things have happened; but, I guess, they didn't really leave much of an impression. This reminds me of how God gives us His blessings, but we just don't seem to be thankful enough.

"Count Your blessings, Name them one by one. 
Count your blessings, See what God hath done..."
[you know the rest].
/ | \
That is all I'm saying.
How about posting some of them at the comments section below?!

Happy New Year

GCC 2nd Junior Church Bible Camp

Today was the last day for the 2nd Junior Church Bible Camp. It started last Friday (Dec 26,2008) at 8:30 AM. It wasn't an overnight event, but it went from morning 'til afternoon. It was a complete package with breakfast, devotion, singspirations, lunch, merienda, lessons, crafts, games, and many more.
God was faithful as always. At the start of the day, there was a P10,000 deficit; but at the end of the day, there were no more deficits. All the teachers were so blessed to have volunteered for this event. The kids loved it and were already looking forward for next year. God is truly all so faithful. 

More pix later on after I've gathered them all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Zion and YPF Joint Christmas Celebration

Last Friday, December 19, Zion and Young Pro Fellowship decided to have their own Christmas celebration. It was a fun event that had more or less sixty attendees. So here are the pictures taken by our brother Benson for you to enjoy.

Joshua De Leon Updates

Last Sunday, I was able to speak to Joshua's Dad. According to him, Joshua is currently undergoing alternative medicine such as Wheat Grass, Transfer Factor, and Beam Ray. He is currently ingesting thirty (30) different medicines a day. Yep, 30.. so imagine how hard of a time his body is working just to cope up. They are currently spending more or less p65,000 a month. So if any of you are moved by the Lord to give even a just a few hundred pesos, that will help them a lot.

Anyway, despite the bad situation, the Lord is always gracious. A few weeks ago, his Coritsol level was 0.3. It miraculously reached 12, which is the normal level, in just four (4) weeks. This would usually take around six months just to normalize. Even the doctors are amazed at what happened. A little information about Cortisol is that it is a part of the Adrenaline gland. It is mostly referred to as our "stress hormone". I don't know much about this; but you'll need to take Steroids if you're Cortisol deficient. 

He'll have another MRI check up on January 4. If the tumor shrinks, he can most probably go back to school. Let us pray that this happens. It may be impossible for us, but nothing is impossible to our Almighty God.

Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible."

GCC Has A Multiply!!!

Apparently.. I and the rest of the 940 weekly attendees of GCC never knew of its existence. It has around 60 friends. Anyway, our church has a multiply. So come on register yourself as a friend, to get updated right away.

[I've also added this link on the right side of this blog.]

Candlelight Service

Luke 2:11 
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, 
which is Christ the Lord."

Inviting you all to the GCC Annual Candlelight Service. It will be held at 9PM tomorrow evening (Dec 24). Yep... that's Christmas Eve. Let us celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus our Saviour together, because HE is the reason for the season.

A little history for those who don't know what the Candlelight Service is all about. [another source here]

A candlelight service is a type of Christmas Carol that was formed around the Victorian era (1837-1901) by William Sandys and David Gilbert who collected and published a list of Christmas songs from England. Christmas carolling became so popular that lighting candles while singing became popular. This has become a tradition that is celebrated by many churches all over the world. It's a really nice service where we can feel really really Christmasy.

If you want to know to see more of the Candlelight service pictures, visit our church's multiply site.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

DVBS 2005 - Jerusalem Market Place

I was browsing through the old files in my computer, when I found these pictures. It was taken over three years ago during the Jerusalem Market Place DVBS. It's kind of funny to see how different some people used to look, and how much some of them have grown over the short amount of time. At the same time, it is encouraging to remember how much we have all grown. Hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Prayer for Joshua

If you've been involved in church ministry, or attend church regularly.. You may have noticed an entry of prayer for a kid who has a brain tumor. It's sitting in a brain of a six year old child named Joshua De Leon. The tumor is inoperable and can only be minimized by radiation or chemo therapy. Doctors have declared that he won't last more than six months. Even so, they (his family) are pouring all their finances just so he could live longer.

His parents are devastated, yet still hoping for a miracle. This Christmas, I want all of us to pray for him. Pray for his family. Pray for God's miracle, whether it is physicial or spiritual healing or both. Yes, we may doubt, we may not know God's will. We can't comprehend God's sovereign will, yet let us not just pray for our own satisfaction. Let us pray for God's will to be fulfilled in the lives of the De Leon Family.

If there's anyone who'd like to help in anyway, feel free to do so. Just message me (YM: speng_14), post a comment, or something. I'll relay whatever help it is to them.

1 John 3:16-17
“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Party 08 Pix

Last night was a wonderful party.... The night started with some singspiration by the Bethany Fellowship quartet (Alvin, Nelson, Imelda, and Anna), message from Dr. Paul, eating of course, awarding for children's costumes, and Identity game prepared by the Young Professional's Fellowship. The importanting is, we had a fellowship, we had fun, and most of all, we were able to praise God.

The game started with representatives from each fellowship to do Hep-Hep-Hooray cheers, with some actions, of course. It went down from twenty four (24) contestants to two final contenders (Cherrie wearing green and Imelda wearing the red sweater). Imelda chi won the Hep Hep Hooray portion to advance to the Identity game.... but sadly she lost the Identity game by making a wrong match. It was Cherrie who later took over and went for the win. 

If you're wondering what the game Identity is... it was inspired from a TV show that was aired a few years back. Basically, we had twelve individuals standing infront pretending to be someone, like an engineer, insurance agent, music lover, computer programmer, and many more. The twist however, is that they weren't portraying the professional role; but were, instead, portraying some certain church individual. What I mean is... Christine (1) was portraying Jill, Ralph (2) was Renee, Min. Sharon (3) was Natalie, Rendel (4) was Amando, Wilson (5) was Robert, James (6) was Carlito, Andrea (7) was Lilybeth, Marktee (8) was Enoch, Jimmy (9) was Bert hia, Kevin (10) was Nelson, Ervin (11) was Glenn, and Johnson (12) was Ptr. Victor. The church was filled with so much laughter when the character matches were revealed. I guess it made alot of sense to many when they realized half way what we were trying to pull. Even Jill was shocked to see Christine playing as her with sooooo soooo much detail.

Anyway..... though it only covers mostly the game, here are some of the pictures that you can enjoy... If I happen to get my  hands on other pictures especially the character matchings, I'll post them here as well.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Joint Christmas Party

Tonight will be the GCC Annual Joint Christmas party. Tickets cost around p250, so I'm reminding all those who bought them to show up on time. It's 6:30pm, please don't mistake it for the regular 8pm fellowship. This is due dinner being included and a fun game prepared by our dear brother JP,  besides the program.  PCIBL [that's the basketball team] members are given a free pass, so you can just walk in any time you want. Also, it's supposed to be a COSTUME celebration. Well, I'm pretty sure alot of people aren't informed, but I'm sure a jolly soul out there is in the mood to play dress up.

Anyway, I hope this night will be a celebration focused on Christ. Yes, we will have food, prizes, entertainment, and games. BUT.. BUT.. BUT.. just like what our pastor said last Sunday.. "Without Christ, there is no Christmas". So let us focus on praising Christ.... cause this is He is the reason for the season.